Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Dying Sun.

Is the night really cold, or is it just me feeling the chills ?
I wish to feel the warmth of your hands,
The tenderness of your touch ,
The sweet kisses of love ,
Oh ! These memories, they kill !

I am consumed by my own mortal fears,
Should i trust your sweet words ?
Or should i save my heart from being crestfallen ?
Tell me my love, do you love me or do you just want me ?

These whispers, they implore to see the inevitable,
Should i wait for our time ?
When all that we will have is its rusted moments of mirth,
Along with the winsome memories of our faded love.

With the light as bright as the sun follows the darkest fears,
Am i the only one who was told the tales ?
The worlds once collided can also fall apart with this dying sun,
So tell me oh my love, do you really love me or do you just want me ?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Success Story.

We all love a little story sometimes, don’t we? Well, one has grown up listening to all kinds of stories after all. If it is a success story, it is all the more better. We usually are curious to know about the success stories of others so as to find something in theirs that would lead us to our success. We try and follow their path in order to find our own calling. We have all heard of Isaac Newton, Elvis Presley, Socrates, Picasso, Einstein, Nelson Mandela, the list could just go on and on. These were the people who found their true calling and worked for it and the result is that they shall always be remembered for their work in their specific fields. But my question here is, what if we never find our calling?
                               How many times has this happened that you have taken up something and you keep doing it till you can do it almost correctly and then you get bored of it? And then you take up something else, you start it with the same enthusiasm and again you end up wanting to try something else since you have learnt how it works? People like these may often doubt themselves, moreover, they start getting insecure regarding what do they actually intend to do in life!
People may start wondering about their level of commitment towards a particular thing, their interest, their capabilities, even whether they are normal or not. Well, I for one, think that these people are not to be blamed, the society is. We are often made to believe that we should have the right amount of focus and dedication on a particular thing to excel in it, and if done otherwise, the person is condemned of being “Incapable” to live a happy and a successful life. Speaking of a successful life, let me tell you about a person who was a graduate and started studying Mathematics and physics at the Imperial College, London. Later on he became more interested in music and started his own band along with other members, simultaneously studying for a PhD Degree, as he never lost interest in this field as well. Soon after his band got international success, he abandoned his studies and worked for the band. This was about Brian May from the band “Queen”, an English musician, song writer, guitarist and an astrophysicist. One may call him “Multitalented”, but psychologists prefer the term “Multipotentialite”.   
 A Multipotentialite is a person who can do well in more than just one field. Their interests and abilities are not narrowed to just one particular field, unlike the “Specialists”, who devote themselves to just one field. Brian May was a multipotentialite, but we rarely hear about people like these. A prominent person to join this list is Viggo Mortenson, the guy who played the role of Aragorn in the famous Lord of The Rings Trilogy series. He is an actor, singer, poet, musician, photographer and a painter! Now, that is something!  All this coming from a single person seems quite fascinating!  It’s like having all this knowledge up your sleeve, of the different things and how they work that you can choose to use whatever you feel like using at a given point of time. Feels like a “Superpower”, doesn’t it? It can be, if used properly. Just like the two sides of the same coin, Multipotentiality can be a boon or a bane; it all depends on how we deal with it. It is up to us to know what suits us best amongst all these interests. And it is also very important to not lose ourselves in this. Let this be a way for finding creative solutions by applying one's knowledge of various disciplines, since people like these can widen their horizons and help change the world by adapting to its needs. This not only helps them to be Successful but also helps them to change the world in ways we can’t even imagine!
                                        In my opinion everybody has a different success story, we need to create our own. People shouldn’t measure your success, don’t even let them. It’s only you who should. There is no standard way of achieving it; everybody comes through their own ways. What worked for someone else, might not work for you. Create your own way. Define your own terms of a “Successful life”. If only that means a good health, a comfortable home, a passion to follow, a hobby to pursue or as simple as having something worthwhile to share and pass onto others. No one has ever figured out the right way to live life anyway, so why not do all that we can, while we can!
                  I would like to quote a few lines from Robert Frost’s famous poetry, The Road Not Taken.


                       “I shall be telling this with a sigh,
                       Somewhere ages and ages hence,
                       Two roads diverged in the wood and I,
                       I took the one less traveled by,
                       And that has made all the difference.”

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Changing Life.

"Change is the only constant in life" - Heraclitus. I believe that we all are changing little by little every day and we should too, else there won’t be any point of living if we are standing at the same place where we were yesterday. I have changed too, in ways even I don’t know but I have heard others tell me so. There are times  when I feel so disconnected with this world; it makes me uncomfortable in my own skin :-/ .  I feel a constant sense of not belonging, of not fitting in, that’s when I start thinking, what am I doing here anyway? Many of us are in a constant fear of not making our life worth living. I happen to be in this category. There are these cold and desperate moments in my life when I need to know what am I searching for exactly! >.< . These are times when I have absolutely no clue as to where is my life heading, is this what I wanted? Whatever I plan on doing next, would it be worth the effort?
              Currently I am unemployed, although I am preparing for some exams, I know I won’t be able to crack it in this attempt. I don’t have anything extraordinary in my hand right now and the worst part is that I keep hearing people say, “You should probably get married, get settled in life before it’s too late”. I don’t understand how this society considers “Marriage” and “Settlement” as synonymous. My ideology on marriage is totally different. It is Inevitable, Maybe, but not a restriction that should come with age. But then again, different people, different opinions, the same way that the opinion of living life varies from person to person. I see my Facebook wall and photos of my friends touring the world, some studying in some foreign university, some into something offbeat and then there are others with their own startups and I can’t deny but it surely frustrates me, forcing me to think what am I doing with my life ?! What am I supposed to do! I don’t know what I want right now but I know what I don’t want. I know that I can’t be in one place; I know I can’t live an ordinary life, but how to make life worthwhile is the question. I believe that the concept of “One true passion” isn’t my cup of tea. I know I want to try new things. I want to experience things I haven’t experienced before. There is so much more to this world than what we can see, I wish to see whatever I can! I don’t want people telling me constantly how life is to be lived, I don’t want them limiting things that I want to do or question my beliefs on it. I don’t want to explain everything I do to the people who don’t even matter. I have just this one life and I want to live it in my way. A thousand times we die in this one life, we crumble, break and tear apart until the layers of illusions are burnt away and all that is left is the “Truth”! The truth of who and what we really are. Isn’t that what we have been living for all along?
                  William Feather, an American Publisher and author quoted, “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure”.  An adventure where there are moments of different intensities, but no matter how good or bad the journey of this adventure gets, doing what you wanted will leave you happy in the end, no matter what. Everyone’s life is a story made up of these moments, ergo, every person has a different story to tell. This was mine, what will your's be ? ;-)

Thursday, July 25, 2013


"To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return." – Madonna . After watching the Twilight series , i began believing so, but personally i don't think that this is true. Unconditional love, how blissful it sounds, may be in case of our parents, siblings to an extent , but when it comes to other relationships, or even for your life partner, i don't think this holds true :/ .
People in a relationship always want something in return, be it love itself, importance, or self respect, but the gist is something is always expected. People may never demand, but they surely expect and when they don't get what they expect, problems arise. Well, i believe that if two people are in a relation then they should be happy , no matter what but i realized that everything, every little thing matters.

People are in a constant need of love, care and appreciation, they go where they find these. But the problem is that things change, people change, times change. In the beginning, everything seems so rosy and peaceful, we are constantly proving our love, care to the other person. But where does all of this disappear with time ? :|   

Why do we stop showing our love to the person we love the most ? Why does saying sorry become too difficult ? Why do we start thinking about ourselves, our ego more than the other person ?
Just, why do we start taking our partner for granted ? Or maybe we start thinking that our partner already knows that we love him/her too much, so saying it is not important  ? o_O

Relationships are not for granted, we all have heard this at one time or the other, but fail to realize this. Why don't we just start showing what we feel , without thinking whether our partner knows it or not ? I seriously don't think that love is unconditional, of course we all expect things which make us happy. We all want to feel a little blessed, a little pampered, a little weak , don't we ?  :$

                             Just live and Let live but moreover, Love and be Loved !

Sunday, July 21, 2013


"Words once said can never be taken back", a very popular saying and i personally agree to it. Whatever a person says changes with the situation he/she is in. If you are in a rocking mood , you'd say different things, then again, if you feel vulnerable , you will say some other things. There are so many good and bad feelings which control the words we say. Feelings and words are very strongly connected, but the main problem is that sometimes we don't say what we actually feel for someone, instead we say whatever we feel like saying :P .
                                                There goes a story of Gautam Buddha where he was sitting under a tree and a visitor comes to meet him. Before they could start talking , two people came near that tree and were fighting with each other and shouting on top of their voices. The man saw this and questioned Gautam Buddha , " Why do people shout when they are angry ? ". Gautam Buddha took some time and answered the man , "Have you seen people in love ? How close their hearts are ? They talk so softly with each other because their hearts are very close. Then they start whispering when their hearts come even closer , and then there is a time when there is no space between their hearts, their hearts become one, that's the time when they just see in each others eyes and understand each other. Now the people who are angry, though they might be standing very near, shout while saying anything , because their hearts are very distant. This distance is so much that all their power of reasoning just collapses ,and then they say hurtful things to each other. We must never let this happen. "  The man was very happy and satisfied with the answer Buddha gave him.
                                                               I gave a thought to this and i feel maybe it's true somewhere. There are many people who say hurtful things to the people they love the most in a state of anger. Some of the things aren't even relevant or true :| . In any relationship, fights are inevitable, but saying and hurting the other person is not at all right. The person who says those things might just say it and leave, but the one who hears it is the one who gets hurts. Everyone gets hurt , everyone cries in isolation. You may ask anyone, how their life is, some may say it's a mess, some may say that they are simply living. The many the people, that many different answers. We all have ups and downs in our lives, there are many happy moments, and then there are many sad one's too. No matter what you do, you can never ever avoid the sad phases of life. But that's the best part, these phases, these episodes of life are the one's that brings out the best in you. It may hurt for a while, sometimes it may hurt a lot, but no worries ! Sulk for a while, think about it , when you realize you can't change it, you can't change what's done, that's the moment you'll change your self..! :i . This person will be one step ahead than the previous one. So, next time someone asks you how is your life going, your answer should be.."Great ! " :) :e .

Thursday, June 20, 2013

IT's Show Time !

"Let's go for a movie this weekend ! " , is most the most heard sentence in my life, and most of the time i am the one saying it.. ;) . A movie may be made for several different reasons, no matter what that might be , but some movies really touch my heart. If ever i am asked where i would like to go , my first answer would be to the movies. I don't know the exact reason why i like watching movies so much , maybe it's because that those few minutes of the movie makes me forget the world i am living in ! I go into the world the director, producer, the entire team takes me to. I really connect to some movies :D for example , Harry Potter. When i see that movie, and i mean every single part of the entire series, it just makes me want to fly to "Hogwarts". I kept daydreaming about it for many days when i watched it's first part, which is " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ". I wanted to be in some School house with the help of the "Sorting Hat", wanted to walk in the the Hogwarts corridor's talking to the ghosts,wanted to be a part of "Quidditch Cup",so many more things :d . That movie made me forget my real world where we are alloted school houses by filling forms, where we have corridor's without some ghost walking besides us, and for sports we have Relays, Hurdles, etc.
                                                             How fascinating some movies can be ! Sometimes i want to be Iron Man, sometimes i want to talk to the Transformers, sometimes I want to be an X-Men :e . Every movie has something to tell us. A single movie can provide many different morals or values to many different people. It's all about how much we feel something, how much we want something in our life's and how we see our life's and ourselves. The makers of a particular film have a very important role as they affect a million lives by their work. A single movie may change someone's mind about something , it may make someone too casual about life, too carefree to think about their future and may challenge someone's treasured beliefs. On the other hand , the movies also teach us to enjoy every moment, to touch someone's life , friendship,to fall in love. It matters what they show but it depends on what you see. :-)

Thursday, May 30, 2013


I am fed up of people who judge others and then conclude that so and so person has such a bad attitude or thinks too much of themselves.. I strongly resent this... Well, We were never told that not talking when one is angry or when one is in a bad mood is not the right thing to do.. For what I remember is that we were always taught that every person is different.. everyone has a different way to express their feelings... Well, then if someone is incapable of expressing themselves according to the majority then why is it termed as "Bad Attitude"..???
           Some people out there should understand that not all people can be pretentious...  I am saying this because I have seen a hell lot or people who have something else in their hearts but show something else.. I have seen people hug and kiss the one's they hate the most in the world...( Weird, at least for me :D) I don't understand how people really achieve that... Well, I can't.. I can't  be pretentious.. All I can be is me..!! I know many would say that we can't be making enemies all the time.. we just have to let it go... Well, sometimes I do envy such people for their extraordinary talent of hiding their feelings... :d ... But, I can't say when will I learn to do that... Sometimes I feel that this world is just some Masquerade party... where everyone is wearing a mask... a mask of someone they would like to be but cannot... It's really tough in deciding who's for real and who's not...  like Patrick Rothfuss says.."We understand how dangerous a mask can be..We all become what we pretend to be.."