Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Changing Life.

"Change is the only constant in life" - Heraclitus. I believe that we all are changing little by little every day and we should too, else there won’t be any point of living if we are standing at the same place where we were yesterday. I have changed too, in ways even I don’t know but I have heard others tell me so. There are times  when I feel so disconnected with this world; it makes me uncomfortable in my own skin :-/ .  I feel a constant sense of not belonging, of not fitting in, that’s when I start thinking, what am I doing here anyway? Many of us are in a constant fear of not making our life worth living. I happen to be in this category. There are these cold and desperate moments in my life when I need to know what am I searching for exactly! >.< . These are times when I have absolutely no clue as to where is my life heading, is this what I wanted? Whatever I plan on doing next, would it be worth the effort?
              Currently I am unemployed, although I am preparing for some exams, I know I won’t be able to crack it in this attempt. I don’t have anything extraordinary in my hand right now and the worst part is that I keep hearing people say, “You should probably get married, get settled in life before it’s too late”. I don’t understand how this society considers “Marriage” and “Settlement” as synonymous. My ideology on marriage is totally different. It is Inevitable, Maybe, but not a restriction that should come with age. But then again, different people, different opinions, the same way that the opinion of living life varies from person to person. I see my Facebook wall and photos of my friends touring the world, some studying in some foreign university, some into something offbeat and then there are others with their own startups and I can’t deny but it surely frustrates me, forcing me to think what am I doing with my life ?! What am I supposed to do! I don’t know what I want right now but I know what I don’t want. I know that I can’t be in one place; I know I can’t live an ordinary life, but how to make life worthwhile is the question. I believe that the concept of “One true passion” isn’t my cup of tea. I know I want to try new things. I want to experience things I haven’t experienced before. There is so much more to this world than what we can see, I wish to see whatever I can! I don’t want people telling me constantly how life is to be lived, I don’t want them limiting things that I want to do or question my beliefs on it. I don’t want to explain everything I do to the people who don’t even matter. I have just this one life and I want to live it in my way. A thousand times we die in this one life, we crumble, break and tear apart until the layers of illusions are burnt away and all that is left is the “Truth”! The truth of who and what we really are. Isn’t that what we have been living for all along?
                  William Feather, an American Publisher and author quoted, “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure”.  An adventure where there are moments of different intensities, but no matter how good or bad the journey of this adventure gets, doing what you wanted will leave you happy in the end, no matter what. Everyone’s life is a story made up of these moments, ergo, every person has a different story to tell. This was mine, what will your's be ? ;-)

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