Thursday, July 25, 2013


"To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return." – Madonna . After watching the Twilight series , i began believing so, but personally i don't think that this is true. Unconditional love, how blissful it sounds, may be in case of our parents, siblings to an extent , but when it comes to other relationships, or even for your life partner, i don't think this holds true :/ .
People in a relationship always want something in return, be it love itself, importance, or self respect, but the gist is something is always expected. People may never demand, but they surely expect and when they don't get what they expect, problems arise. Well, i believe that if two people are in a relation then they should be happy , no matter what but i realized that everything, every little thing matters.

People are in a constant need of love, care and appreciation, they go where they find these. But the problem is that things change, people change, times change. In the beginning, everything seems so rosy and peaceful, we are constantly proving our love, care to the other person. But where does all of this disappear with time ? :|   

Why do we stop showing our love to the person we love the most ? Why does saying sorry become too difficult ? Why do we start thinking about ourselves, our ego more than the other person ?
Just, why do we start taking our partner for granted ? Or maybe we start thinking that our partner already knows that we love him/her too much, so saying it is not important  ? o_O

Relationships are not for granted, we all have heard this at one time or the other, but fail to realize this. Why don't we just start showing what we feel , without thinking whether our partner knows it or not ? I seriously don't think that love is unconditional, of course we all expect things which make us happy. We all want to feel a little blessed, a little pampered, a little weak , don't we ?  :$

                             Just live and Let live but moreover, Love and be Loved !

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