Saturday, June 16, 2012


It's been over a week since I lost my cellphone.. It was not a very expensive one to cry over but I still do miss it like hell..! I still remember the day when I bought it.. I was so excited about possessing it that I used to show it off in front of my younger siblings,since they did not have any..!
                                                                       The cellphone I lost was a Nokia Product,so stable that it never gave me any reason to change it(Was a little frustrating at times though) But nevertheless, I never did regret buying it.. And now, that I am without it I feel like I am incomplete..! That addiction of looking at the cellphone numerous times.. either for a message or to check on the time.. whatever be it.. I always kept it by my side.. But that day when I was out for some work.. And just to cut the long story short..I was home when I realized that I was without my Cell and I felt so bad that I wish I could make the clock reverse and get it back.. Many people say that I have this Crazy habit of taking care of things to the Limit.! Although I don't completely believe it but it was true in case of my Handset.. 
                                                                                        I will be getting a new one today.. but I really wonder how difficult it could be without a Mobile.. But the best part was that I never got any intimation of my results..! :-) Although people posted it on Facebook but luckily I was out of town so never logged in... At present I am just waiting for my handset which I ordered online... The site said that it would be delivered before 6 p.m... Let's see how prompt they are...! Oh... My doorbell just rang.. I think I know who it might be... ;-)

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