Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It has been quite some time that the rainy season has gone by... (one of my favourite seasons) ... But I do recall an "Epidemic" which bursted out during this season... known as conjunctivitis...I prefer to call it an epidemic since I was surrounded by the victims of this viral infection... In my family of five..I was the only one who was not affected by it.... And it required major precautions which is not something that one would be interested to know....
             One day... when I was at home...consumed by some work given to me... my brother came running to me and told me that he had been selected for an elocution competition in his respective school... I sure was very happy for him and congratulated him , he did not have any infection as such at that time...(But my mom , dad and my younger sister had the infection , we just took the necessary precautions.. ) After some days I advised my brother that he should start with his preparation for the competition and he told me that I have to write the matter for him...! This really took me by surprise but I did not fret and promised him that the job will be done in no time... One of the reasons I agreed was that I found the topic really interesting , which was.. "The healing power of love"... I did my work and handed over the matter to him and he started practising... Just two days prior to the competition... my brother became one of the victims of the viral infection.... CONJUNCTIVITIS!!! ... But nothing could had been done now... The best part was on the day of his elocution... He had to wear sunglasses and go...!! (I was not able to stop laughing when
I saw him in the glasses) ..I wished him the best of luck and he left for school.... I was very eager to know the results but could do nothing , but wait... And at 2:30 p.m , this wait came to an end... My brother came and announced that he stood fourth... I kept thinking the reason for it ,. since he is a very good speaker and usually wins.... so ,I asked him the reason ... He told me that the judges were stupid , further adding, he said that the judges told him that they were not able to view his expressions because of the sunglasses...!!!! There was silence for a moment ... and then me and my brother looked at each other and started laughing at the stupidity of the situation.... We continued laughing till our stomaches ached...!! I know we might have been a little hysterical at that moment but.... we were helpless...!!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I would rather say your brother was unfortunate, but, I think he is the winner to have the courage to attempt it.A very well written blog , it shows brother sister bonding..You both took the loss very sportingly..
