Sunday, October 17, 2010


There are several social organizations such as the Lions club , Rotary club ,etc. One such organization which I am related to is the JCI (Junior Chambers International).. It is a vast organization and works by forming seperate small organizations... My mother is the President of one such organization by the name JCI WOMEN'S WORLD...
                                        Since my Mother is the President, I always got an oppurtunity to go to various meetings and seminars... My Mother always used to tell me that she wants to attend Dr.Suresh Chari's seminar once during her tenure... Since he is one of the best Trainers(One who takes the seminar) of the organization and also a leading psychiatrist.... And so,  after a long wait , finally my Mother's wish came true.. Dr.Suresh Chari's seminar was held in Tuli International by some other organization which was again a part of this JCI... When my Mother informed me about this I was really excited about it and kept wondering about the topic that Dr.Suresh Chari would choose to enlighten us with... Days went by really fast and there I was... Sitting on one of the chairs in one of the halls of Tuli International... Waiting for Dr.chari to start off with his seminar... Dr. Chari first greeted everyone warmly and then introduced us with his topic which was.. "The Feedback Partner"..!!! I was awfully confused about the topic and took a glance at the audience around me which looked more confused than me...!! Just then Dr.Chari pointed towards me and questioned me as to what do I understand by this topic... I answered what I knew about "Feedback"... I said that I came across this word only in my college wherein we are given "Feedback Forms"  which are to be filled for our teachers...!! And he laughed at it and said "What do they do in college's these days...!" .. and proceeded with the seminar... As the time passed , my concepts about the topic became clearer... The gist of the topic was that you should have atleast one feedback partner for yourself in life... A feedback patner is the one who can tell you your mistakes honestly and only when the time is right without hurting your feelings, guide you about what is right and what is wrong... You can have your feedback patner in your friend, sister , mother or anyone whom you trust and who knows you well... If we succeed in finding such a patner for ourselves , we can surely get through a lot in our life... I found this topic very interesting and came with the conclusion that maybe our inner conscience is not enough to guide us... We can always seek a little help from the people around us...!! I am just waiting desperately to attend Dr.Chari's seminar again...

1 comment:

  1. yeah... i've heard 'bout Dr. Suresh Chari... your blog is very informative... especially this one... good blog... keep wriing.... :)
