Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Just yesterday itself it so happened that my brother returned from school and like a disciplined child kept his bag neatly on the shelf .. where it belonged... Changed his clothes and sat down on the dining table for lunch... My mother served everyone and we all relished the food she made that day... !!
                                                    It was late in the afternoon and me , my mother and my brother were just having a talk like we always do.... And my brother mentioned that they had a seminar at their school today , in which 15 schools were invited to attend it.. I asked him as to what the seminar was about to which he answered that it was on "Science and the growing Technology "... I remembered that we never had such seminars in our schools and so I wanted to hear all about it.... My brother kept telling us the numerous things he got to learn from the seminar... And me and my mother were listening very attentively.. Then my brother told us that there was a "question and answer" session too and amongst the mass , a girl stood up and asked "We all know that human's have evolved from monkeys.. Then how come the monkeys are not yet extinct.. ?? "..!! (I don't remember which species of monkey the girl was talking about but by being extinct she meant a particular species not monkeys as whole ).. I enquired , what was the answer given to the girl and he said that the concerned person told him that if I love ice-cream and after some time I get a sudden liking for sundaes.. Which is a modified form of ice-cream.. Would ice-creams become extinct..??
                                                      I tried to relate it with the question and discussed it with my mother and my brother.. My mother agreed with the girl that the monkeys should have been extinct by now if we have evolved from them... But I was not yet satisfied... I questioned my mother that one theory says that we all are brothers and sisters since we all come from one parent.. that is Adam and Eve.. To which my mother said that maybe that it is true , since it is a very popular belief , but my brother interrupted saying that if it was true.. like most of the people believe then why are we called the descendants of monkeys...!!! My mother answered that it is just one of the theories but science believes in facts and they say so since we have a Tail bone...(Not much evolved...or else we all would have tails..!!!) And it was my mother who bought "Darwins theory " into the discussion... The theory is based upon "Survival of the fittest"... And I explained to my mother and my brother that if we consider this theory then it is possible that a long time back... long before the birth of human civilization... A group of monkeys evolved... that is their intelligence level was higher than the other monkeys at that time.. Due to this acquired intelligence they must have learned the skills of living... And eventually mastered them... and hence established a civilization...Learnt to build houses , eat cooked food (After they discovered fire.. ofcourse..!!)... and so on..And the rest of the undeveloped lot could not cope up with the changes... and hence remained where they where.. (as monkeys).. Hearing this my mother appreciated me for my thinking but at the same time started laughing...!!
                                                    I demanded the reason to which she said that one could get a nobel prize for doing a job as easy as suggesting theories..!!!


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